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Coordinate Plane 3
Coordinate Plane 1
Coordinate Plane 2
Coordinate Plane 4
Type the correct answer for each question in the spaces provided. When you have completed your quiz, check your answers. 

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Identify each of the coordinate planes using the points that are given for problems 1-4. Type your answers as shown in the example in the spaces provided.  

Example: Coordinate Plane N 

1.  y = x

(-2, -2)
(-3, -3)
(-4, -4)
(-5, -5)
(-6, -6)

2.  x + y = 6


3.  2y=8


4.  y - x = 2


5.  y = 2x + 6  

Use the following values for x: 1, 2, 3, and 4 to construct a list of coordinating pairs for the linear equation shown above. Plug in the values for x to find the values for y. Select the correct answer from the choices provided.  

Hint: The coordinating pairs that form a line is the correct choice. 

a.  (2, 4) (-3,4) (5,0) (-1,-4)
b.  (1,8) (2,10) (3,12) (4,14) 
c.  (-6,4) (1,7) (3,-1) (7,2)

6.  y = -x + 8

Use the following values for x: -2, -1, 0, and 1 to construct a list of coordinating pairs for the linear equation shown above. Plug in the values for x to find the values for y. Select the correct answer from the choices provided.  

a.  (4,5) (7,3) (10,6) (14, 5)
b.  (-5,4) (-3,-4) (3,2) (5,-2)
c.  (-2,10) (-1,9) (0,8) (1,7)

7.  y = -x + 5

Use the following values for x: 1, 2, 3, and 4 to construct a list of coordinating pairs for the linear equation shown above. Plug in the values for x to find the values for y. Select the correct answer from the choices provided.  

a.  (1,4) (2,3) (3,2) (4,1)
b.  (-4,2) (2,3) (4,-6) (8,-1)
c.  (-8,-1) (-6,-2) (-1,-1) (2,-4)

Math: Linear Equations - Quiz