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Type the correct answer for each question in the spaces provided. When you have completed your quiz, check your answers. 

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Select the correct answer from the choices given.  

1. A flat surface 

a. pentagon
b. 360 degrees
c. plane 

2. A triangle with two equal sides 

a. isosceles
b. cylinder
c. parallel

3. Triangles with no equal sides or angles

a. obtuse
b. scalene 
c. acute

4.  Lines that intersect and form right angles

a. perpendicular
b. pentagon
c. parallel

5. A three-dimensional object

a. square
b. cylinder
c. solid 

6. The measure of a straight line

a. 90 degrees
b. 180 degrees 
c. 360 degrees

7. The shape of a can

a. ray
b. equilateral
c. cylinder 

8. The measure of a full circle

a. 90 degrees
b. 120 degrees
c. 360 degrees

9. A line that runs through the center of a circle and has its end points on the circumference of a circle

a. ray
b. diameter 
c. chord

10. Triangle with equal sides and angles

a. isosceles
b. scalene
c. equilateral 

11. The measure of a right angle

a. 60 degrees
b. 90 degrees 
c. 120 degrees

12. The line that runs from the diameter to the circumference of the circle

a. chord
b. secant
c. radius 

13. Lines that are the same distance apart and do not intersect

a. perpendicular
b. parallel 
c. equilateral

14. A line with one end point and extends indefinitely in one direction 

a. ray 
b. chord
c. secant

15. A polygon with five sides

a. octagon
b. quadrilateral
c. pentagon 

Math:  Introduction to Geometry - Quiz