When subtracting coefficients with the same signs, the answer will be the same sign.

Example 2:

Start on the number  -2 and count 3 spaces to the left. You will end up on the number -5.

When subtracting coefficients with two different signs, the answer will be the same sign as the number with the largest absolute value.

Example 1:

Another way to look at it is to picture a number line.

Start on the number 6 and count 2 spaces to the left. You will end up on the number 4.
The 2 and 3 are called coefficients.  When the variables are exactly alike, you can add the coefficients together.

A plus sign (+) in front of coefficients means it is a positive term.

A minus sign (-) in front of coefficients means it is a negative term.

When all of the terms are alike, simply add the coefficients.

Example 1:   2xy + 3xy = 5xy

When there are three terms and only two variables are alike, combine the variables that are alike and leave the term with the different variable as it is.

Example 2:  3x + 7x - 2y = 10x - 2y

When the variables have exponents, combine the terms with like exponents and leave the remaining term as it is.

Example 3:
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Math: Combining Like Terms - Tutorial

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This section will cover the fundamentals of combining like terms.

Adding Like Terms
Terms are found with equations. Terms may be simply numbers or coefficients.
Subtracting Like Terms