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Type the predicate for each sentence in the spaces provided. 

1. The flying squirrel landed on the deck in the pile of leaves.

2. The fruit in the bowl appeared to be fresh. 

3. The dancing clowns were her favorite part of the show. 

4.The Badgers beat the Dodgers in basketball by only two points.

5. Max spilled green paint on his new sports car.

6. The weather changed from sunny to foggy by mid afternoon. 

7. The tickets to the concert have been sold out for weeks. 

8. The children could not wait for the circus to begin. 

9. No one knew the answer to Anna's question. 

10. Bob and his cousins play football in the park on Sundays.

11. Helen is a graceful ice skater. 

12. That butcher chooses only the best cuts of beef for his customers. 

Type the correct answer for each question in the spaces provided. When you have completed your quiz, check your answers. 

Use the Personalized Progress Chart in the Extra Tools section to record your score. 
Language Arts:  Predicates - Quiz