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Type the antecedent(s) in each sentence in the spaces provided.

1. Debra and John will go on their vacation next Saturday.

2. Jan bought a new car with her employee discount. 

3. Hank planted radishes and tomatoes to sell them at the market. 

4. Dan pulled his tractor into the shed before the storm.

5. The people who saw the show were amazed. 

6. Sara and the children ate their lunch at the park. 

7. The farmer carried his prize winning squash to the fair.

8. Arthur bought cookies and gave them to the students.

9. Jason painted a picture and put it in a frame.

10. Either Jenny or her neighbors will share their lawn furniture. 

Type the correct answer for each question in the spaces provided. When you have completed your quiz, check your answers. 

Use the Personalized Progress Chart in the Extra Tools section to record your score. 
Language Arts:  Antecedents - Quiz