continuous religious wars led by European Christians during the 11th through 13th century to recover the Holy Land from the Muslims ​


the period of time that occurred after the fall of the Roman Empire when art, literature, and architecture diminished

Dark Ages
a social order where the king owned all of the land and would lease out a part of the land to his subjects in exchange for their loyalty

feudal system

a document that limited the powers of the monarchy and protected the rights of the people

Magna Carta

a German inventor who invented the printing press in the 1440s ​

Johannes Gutenberg

a Norwegian navigator who discovered Newfoundland in eastern Canada in 1000

Leif Erikson
an Italian explorer who rediscovered eastern Canada as well as found a great place for fishing in 1497​

John Cabot

a Spanish explorer who conquered Puerto Rico in 1508 and later discovered Florida in 1513 ​

Juan Ponce de Leon

a Florentine, born in 1452, who was a sculptor, a painter, a musician, and an engineer

Leonardo de Vinci

​an Italian explorer, who received funding from the monarchs of Spain in 1492, took three ships across the Atlantic Ocean and discovered the Bahamas

Christopher Columbus
Social Studies:  The Dark and the Middle Ages - Flashcards

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