Worksheet Answer Key
Civil Rights

Word Search
Ancient Civilization

Word Search
The Dark and the Middle Ages

Word Search
Colonization of EarlySettlers

Word Search
Post Enlightenment Period

Word Search
World War II

Word Search
The Industrial Revolution

Word Search
American Government

Word Search
The Civil War and Post War

Word Search
World War I

Word Search
Technology and Progress

Word Search

Word Search
Our Political System

Word Search

Word Search
Supply and Demand

Word Search
Branches of Government

Word Search
State and Local Governments

Word Search
Introduction to Economics

Word Search
Monetary Policy

Word Search
Early Humanity

Word Search 

1. g

2. j

3. k
7. h

8. l

9. a
1. Tundra

2. artifact

3. stone age

4. bipedal

5. nomad

6. bartering

7. omnivorous

8. carnivorous

4. b

5. c

6. d
10. f

11. e

12. i
1. Persian

2. Babylonian

3. Phoenician

4. Sumerian

5. Pharaoh

6. Republic


2. g

3. c

4. h

5. i
6. a

7. j

8. b

9. d

10. f
1. Crusade

2. Dark Ages

3. Magna Carta

4. Feudal System

5. Leif Erikson

1. c

2. f

3. b

4. d

5. e

6. a

1. anarchy

2. monarchy

3. oligarchy

4. Mary Tudor

5. John Locke

1. d

2. g

3. e

4. b

5. f

6. c

7. a
1. colony

2. Stamp Act

3. minutemen

4. patriotism 

5. Thomas Paine

1. e

2. a

3. g

4. b

5. h

6. c

7. d

8. f

1. cartel

2. imperialism 

3. urbanization

4. isolationism

1. d

2. g

3. b

4. a

5. h

6. e

7. c

8. f

1. amnesty

2. the Preamble

3. Constitution

4. William Clark
1. d

2. f

3. h

4. b

5. c
6. a

7. i

8. g

9. e
1. tariffs

2. secession

3. Fifteenth

4. slavery

5. Fourteenth

6. Thirteenth

1. g

2. i

3. j

4. c

5. a
6. e

7. d

8. b

9. f

10. h
1. treaty

2. suffrage

3. Germany

4. Lenin

5. propoganda

6. Stalin

7. Mussolini

8. Eighteenth

9. totalitarian

1. e

2. i

3. m

4. k

5. a

6. b

7. d
8. l

9. g

10. c

11. h

12. j

13. f
1. blitzkrieg

2. communism

3. tyant

4. Marx

5. fascism 

6. New Deal

7. Pearl Harbor

8. negotiate

9. nationalism 

1. h

2. m

3. f

4. c

5. j

6. b

7. a
8. e

9. g

10. l

11. n

12. k

13. d

14. i
Social Studies Homepage: click here
1. culture

2. race

3. migration

4. justice

5. apartheid

6. indigenous

7. immigrant

8. subculture

9. emigrant

10. equality

1. e

2. l

3. h
4. g

5. a

6. d
7. b

8. j

9. f
10. c

11. k

12. i
1. innovation

2. economy

3. commerce


5. Sputnik

6. technology

1. f

2. d

3. a

4. h

5. b

6. c

7. e

8. g
1. legend

2. region

3. conic

4. wetlands

5. equator

6. deciduous

7. time zones

8. latitude

9. mercator

10. ecosystem

1. k

2. f

3. n

4. i

5. c

6. a

7. m

8. e

9. b

10. o

11. h

12. l

13. j

14. g

15. d
1. plain

2. valley

3. hills

4. mountains

5. plateaus

6. sea level

7. hydrosphere

8. topography

9. elevation

1. g

2. j

3. l

4. c

5. k

6. i
7. b

8. d

9. h

10. e

11. f

12.  a
1. filibuster

2. bureaucracy

3. republican

4. democratic

5. caucus

6. platform

7. bipartisan

8. populism

9. referendum

1. e

2. f

3. b

4. a

5. c

6. g

7. d

1. two

2. governor

3. partisan

4. unicameral

5. census

6. trial

7. six

8. veto

9. bicameral

10. consensus

1. d

2. g

3. j

4. l

5. a

6. h

7. b
8. k

9. f

10. m

11. i

12. e

13. c


2. Tenth

3. First

4. Bill of Rights

5. Second

6. Fifth

7. reform

8. Eight

9. amendment

10. expenditure

1. k

2. d

3. n

4. g

5. i

6. b

7. m
8. e

9. a

10. j

11. c

12. l

13. h

14. f

2. capital

3. revenue

4. labor

5. income tax

6. capitalism

7. earnings

8. employee

9. sales tax

10. domestic

1. d

2. g

3. j

4. a

5. m

6. n

7. b
8. h

9. l

10. e

11. k

12. i

13. f

14. c

2. subsidy

3. flexible

4. currency

5. luxury

6. fiscal policy

1. g

2. d

3. i

4. b

5. a

6. j

7. c

8. h

9. f

10. e

1. surplus

2. demand

3. rationing

4. supply

5. deflation

6. retailer

7. consumer

8. stock

9. shortage

10. inflation

1. f

2. i

3. b

4. g

5. a
6. c

7. e

8. d

9. h
Below are the answers to the word search and matching worksheets for the following topics. 

Science Homepage: click here
Worksheet Answer Key