Study the countries located in the Northern  and Southern Hemisphere.

Geography - The study of Earth's physical features, the environment, and all forms of life sustained on Earth.
Additional Facts:
​the clearing and removal of trees to make room for agriculture, construction, and other commercial purposes


trees or shrubs that shed their leaves annually​


a biological community where plants, animals, and humans can interact with their physical environment​


an increase in the temperature of the Earth's atmosphere due to the increase in carbon dioxide levels and other pollutants

global warming

increased levels of carbon dioxide that trap heat in the atmosphere and causes global warming​

greenhouse effect

the study and practice of drawing and using maps​


​an explanation of symbols and features on a map


​the Earth's upper atmosphere that absorbs ultraviolet light from the sun

ozone layer
the amount of people per square mile in a specific area​

population density

​it shares common characteristics such  physical features, climate, and language


an exact or specific place or location​ 

absolute location

​a location that is described by its relation to other places

relative location

​areas of land that are flooded either permanently or seasonally


a cylindrical projection that shows a globe flatten into a 2-dimensional map and the areas farthest from the equator are distorted by size 

Mercator projection

Gnomonic projection

​a projection that shows latitude lines evenly spaced along longitude lines and becomes closer as they approach the poles as if a cone had been placed over the top of the globe

Conic projection

land and water to the 
north of the equator​

Northern Hemisphere

maps that show physical features such as mountains, valleys, and plains​

topographic maps
a projection where the median and equator form great circles (halves of a sphere) creating straight lines, helping navigators find the shortest distance between two points
maps that show the boundaries of countries and states
political maps
the imaginary line that divides the Earth, creating the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere
imaginary lines that measure distances in degrees and run east and west of the prime meridian

land and water to the south of the equator​

Southern Hemisphere

imaginary parallel lines that measure degrees in distances and run north and south of the equator


the 24 standard divisions of time according to the lines of longitude

time zones
the imaginary line that runs vertically through Greenwich, England

prime meridian
Social Studies:  Geography - Flashcards

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