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1. A systematic count of the nation's population is called a ______________.

a.  federalism
b.  veto
c.  census 

2. Which of the following branches is responsible for making laws?

a.  legislative 
b.  judicial
c.  executive

3. Which of the following branches is responsible for enforcing laws? 

a.  legislative
b.  judicial
c.  executive 

4. Which of the following branches is responsible for interpreting laws?

a.  legislative
b.  judicial 
c.  executive

5. The term of the Senate is ___________.

a.  two years
b.  four years
c.  six years

6. The term of the House of Representatives is _____________.

a.  two years 
b.  four years
c.  six years

7. The term of the President is ________________.

a.  two years for a maximum of one term
b.  four years for a maximum two terms 
c.  six years for a maximum of three terms

8. The process where Congress can still pass a bill by two-thirds of a vote is called _________.

a.  overthrowing a veto
b.  overturning a veto
c.  overriding a veto 

9. The powers given to Congress to pass laws necessary and proper for carrying out the list of items in the United States Constitution is called _____________.

a.  elastic powers 
b.  elastic government
c.  elastic clause

10. The Supreme Court is made up of ______________.

a.  seven judges who are appointed for life by the president
b.  nine judges who are appointed for life by the president
c.  eleven judges who are appointed for life by the president

11. The United States Congress has the authority to declare war.

a.  True 
b.  False

12. A legislative body with two chambers or houses is called ____________

a.  bipartisan
b.  bicameral 
c.  bilateral

13. The U.S. Constitution appoints specific powers to the appropriate three branches of government is called ________. 

a.  delegated powers 
b.  political freedom
c.  public policy

14. The resolution of a dispute made by a judge or committee is called ____________. 

a.  amnesty
b.  arbitration 
c.  absolution

15. A constitutional guarantee that everyone is entitled to fairness in all legal matters is called ___________. 

a.  delegated powers
b.  consensus
c.  due process of law 

16. Which of the following is an elected state head official of the United States?

a.  representative
b.  mayor
c.  governor 

17. The _____________ requires that suspects are informed of their rights before being interrogated.

a.  Monroe Doctrine
b.  Intolerable Acts
c.  Miranda rule 

18. Someone who strongly supports a party or a cause is called __________. 

a.  consensus
b.  partisan 
c.  populism

19. A(n) ____________ is a general opinion or position reached by a group of people.

a.  consensus 
b.  census
c.  caucus

20. A court decision that is cited as an example and used for questions of law in future cases is called a(n)_____________.

a.  clause
b.  precedent 
c.  referendum

21. Dividing political powers among the branch of government is called a(n) _______________. 

a.  precedent
b.  separation of powers 
c.  filibuster

22. Which of the following is a process where evidence is examined in a court of law?

a.  interrogation
b.  investigation
c.  trial 

23. A legislative body with one house or chamber is called ___________. 

a.  unicameral 
b.  unified
c.  unilateral

24. Which of the following is the Supreme Court decision that helped define the roles of the legislative and executive branches of government?

a.  Marbury v. Madison
b.  Plessy v. Ferguson
c.  Gideon v. Wainwright 

25. Which of the following is the official power to reject a bill passed by a legislative body?

a.  consensus
b.  veto 
c.  arbitration
Select the correct answer for each question from the choices given. When you have completed your quiz, check your answers. 

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Social Studies:  Branches of Government - Quiz