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1. The spherical organelle that contains chromosomes and other genetic material needed to control cell growth and reproduction is called the _________________. 

a.  cytoplasm
b.  nucleus 
c.  nucleolus

2. Organized material found between the nucleus and the cell membrane of a plant and animal cell is called the _______________. 

a.  endoplasmic reticulum
b.  protoplasm
c.  cytoplasm 

3. The ________________ is an organelle in a eukaryotic cell that is responsible 
for carrying, changing, and packaging proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum 
to the cell. 

a.  mitochondrion
b.  endoplasmic reticulum
c.  golgi apparatus 

4. An organelle in the cytoplasm of almost all eukaryotic cells that produces energy 
is called the __________. 

a.  nucleolus
b.  mitochondrion 
c.  cytoplasm

5. One of the rod-like structures usually arranged in 23 pairs, found in the nucleus 
and contains genetic material that determines the physical characteristics an 
offspring inherits from its parents is called a(an) _________.

a.  golgi apparatus
b.  cytoplasm
c.  chromosome

6. The encased structure found in the nucleus, which contains genetic material 
that is essential for all forms of life is called the ____________________.

a.  nucleolus 
b.  endoplasmic reticulum
c.  nucleus

7. A eukaryotic organelle in the cell that has a tubular system and transports
 proteins and other carbohydrates to other organelles is called the __________. 

a.  mitochondrion
b.  endoplasmic reticulum 
c.  golgi apparatus

8.  A(n) ________________ is the smallest unit of all living organisms.

a.  atom
b.  cell 
c.  proton

9.  Unlike animal cells, plant cells have cell walls.

a.  True
b.  False

10.  Animal cells contain chloroplasts.

a.  True
b.  False 

11.  The delicate boundary of the cell made up of proteins and substances called 
lipids is the ___________.

a.  nucleus
b.  cytoplasm
c.  cell membrane 

12.  A cell that contains a nucleus is called a(n) _____________ cell.

a.  prokaryotic
b.  eukaryotic 
c.  nucleolus

13.  A cell that does not contain a nucleus is called a ________________ cell. 

a.  prokaryotic 
b.  eukaryotic
c.  chromatin

14.  The complete set of genetic material in a cell or organism is called a 

a.  chromosome
b.  genome 
c.  cell

15.  A sequence of genetic material that is either DNA or RNA found on a 
chromosome is called a _________. 

a.  genome
b.  nucleus
c.  gene 

16.  Which of the following is a specialized part of a cell with a specified function 
and is similar to an organ?

a.  chromosome
b.  reactant
c.  organelle

17.  A strand from a double helix where genetic instruction is encoded and used 
in the developing and functioning of a living organism is called the ________.  

a.  centriole
b.  nucleus
c.  DNA 
Select the correct answer for each question from the choices given. When you have completed your quiz, check your answers. 

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Science:  Structure of Cells - Quiz