Worksheet Answer Key
Below are the answers to the word search and matching worksheets for the following topics. 

Science Homepage: click here
Mitosis and Meiosis

Word Search
The Human Body

Word Search - Part A
Taxonomy of Living 

Matching - Part A
The Cycle of Life

Word Search - Part A
Kinetic and Potential Energy

Word Search
Heat and Energy

Word Search
Electricity and Magnetism

Word Search
Composition of Matter

Word Search
Periodic Table of Elements

Word Search
Compounds and Chemical Reactions

Word Search
Compound Elements

Word Search
Our Solar System

Word Search
The Earth's Surface

Word Search
The Earth's Atmosphere

Word Search
Structure of Cells

Word Search 

1. b

2. e

3. c
1. chromosome

2. genome

3. gene

4. prokaryotic

5. cell

6. nucleus

7. nucleolus

8. organelle

9. eukaryoytic

10. cytoplasm

4. a

5. d
1. polyploid

2. synapsis

3. ovum

4. mitosis

5. offspring

6. haploid

7. zygote

8. metaphase

9. diploid

10. prophase

1. b

2. j

3. m

4. g
1. marrow

2. digestion

3. plaque

4. veins

5. joints

6. cerebellum

7. cerebrum

8. arteries

9. osteoporosis

10. spinal cord

1. phloem

2. xylem

3. nitrates

4. glucose

5. nitrogenase

6. nodules

7. nitrogen

8. chlorophyll

1. a

2. d

3. c

4. e

5. b

Matching - Part B
1. e

2. d

3. b

4. c

5. a

1. torque

2. photons

3. relativity

4. resonance

5. gravity

6. frequency

7. force

8. energy

9. mass

10. power

1. c

2. b

3. e

4. a

5. d


2. calorie

3. radiation

4. conduction

5. liquid
6. solid

7. temperature

8. violet

9. red

10. absolute zero
1. m

2. f

3. l

4. c

5. j

6. i

7. n

8. k

9. d

10. g

1. voltage

2. circuit

3. transformer

4. resistance

5. magnetic pole

1. e

2. h

3. j

4. a

5. b

6. f

7.  c

8. d

1. matter

2. isotope

3. atom

4. monomer

5. neutron

6. protein

7. electron

8. chemistry

9. biosynthesis

1. product

2. carbohydrate

3. metals

4. reactants

5. metalloids

6. nonmetals

1. c

2. e

3. a

4. b

5. d

1. solution

2. mixture

3. solvent

4. polymer

5. alloy

6. solute

7. tincture

8. bond

9. compound

1. h

2. f.

3. k

4. g.

1. isomers

2. catalyst

3. acid

4. buffers

5. litmus test

6. allotrope

7. alkaline

8. electrolyte

9. acceleration

1. d

2. h

3. i

4. c

5. a

1. supernova

2. nebula

3. quasar

4. galaxy

5. Sirius

6. pulsar

7. astronomy

1. g. 

2. j.

3. m

4. c

5. l
1. erosion

2. mineral

3. glacier

4. humus

1. c

2. a

3. f

4. b

1. shooting star

2. atmosphere

3. meteorology

1. d

2. a

3. b

1. f

2. j

3. e

4. l


Word Search
1. sonar

2. tides

3. El Nino

4. plankton

5. ocean trench

6. salinity

7. current

8. beach

9. La Nina

10. coral reefs

1. f

2. m

3. a

4. j

5. h

Science Homepage: click here
5. k

6. n

7. e

8. p
9. a

10. l

11. h

12. f
13. c

14. o

15. i

16. d
1. d

2. b

3. e

4. a

5. c

1. nodules

2. phloem

3. xylem

4. glucose

5. nitrogen

6. nitrates

7. nitrogenase

8. chloroplasts

9. chlorophyll

Word Search - Part B
6. e

7. j

8. b

9. g

10.  f

6. b

7. a

8. k

9. f

10. h

11. d

12. n

13. e

14. i

5. isostasy

6. delta

7. geology

8. seismograph

5. g

6. d

7. e

4. hydrosphere

5. cirrus clouds

4. f

5. c

6. e

11. e

12. b

13. a

14. h

9. k

10. i

11. g
5. c

6. b

7. h

8. m

9. a

10. o

11. g

12. p

13. d

14. n

15. k

16. i

5. b

6. a

7. c

8. l

9. d

10. j

11. e

12. i

6. b

7. d

8. l

9. k

10. e

11. c

12. g

13. i

Worksheet Answer Key