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1. A substance that results from a chemical reaction is called a ____________.

a.  product 
b.  reactant
c.  component

 2. Where two or more elements are combined to create a product is known as 
a _____________.

a.  chemical reaction
b.  product reaction
c.  combination reaction 

3. Which of the following are chemical elements that conduct heat and electricity as well as melts at a high temperature and has brilliant luster?

a.  metals 
b.  nonmetals
c.  metalloids

4. Which of the following have properties of both metals and nonmetals?

a.  metals
b.  nonmetals 
c.  metalloids 

5. Which of the following melt at low temperatures and have low luster?

a.  metals
b.  nonmetals 
c.  metalloids

6. Which is a process that occurs when an element or substance has been broken down?

a.  dissolving reaction
b.  decomposition reaction
c.  decay reaction

7. Scientists classify elements by which of the following physical properties?

a.  color, odor, and taste 
b.  color, odor, and sound
c.  size, shape, and texture

8. Elements in the same column of the periodic table have the same number of electrons in their outermost shell.

a.  True 
b.  False

9. In the compound element for water H2O, the subscript 2 stands for ______________.

a.  the number of atoms of an element that are used to form that molecule
b.  the number of chemicals present in the atom
c.  the number of reactants are present

10. What is the periodic table of elements?

a.  a chart of reactants and products
b.  a tabular display of elements arranged according to their atomic number 
c.  a chart of calculations for metalloids

11. An organic compound that contains carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen and is a major source of food and energy is called a(n) ____________, 

a.  amino acid
b.  protein
c.  carbohydrate 

12. A series of reactions where the products cause the reactants of another reaction is called ____________. 

a.  reaction of events
b.  chain reaction 
c.  series of events

13. The term ____________ refers to the symbolic representation of a chemical reaction.

a.  chemical equation 
b.  chemical reaction
c.  chemical representation

14. Substances that are combined and changed during a chemical reaction are called ____________. 

a.  reactants 
b.  polymers
c.  isomers

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Science:  Periodic Table of Elements - Quiz