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1. A celestial body that is red in color with the brightness sometimes equal to an entire galaxy is called a ________.

a.  pulsar
b.  quasar 
c.  supernova

2. A cloud formation of dust and gas seen as light against a darkened area is called _______________.

a.  nebula
b.  supernova
c.  pulsars

3. The beginning of the death of a star is called ______________.

a.  blue giant stage
b.  red giant stage 
c.  supernova 

4. An explosion of a star in the latter stages of its development is called a __________________.

a.  pulsar
b.  supernova
c.  nebula

5. A rotating star that consists of neutrons and releases electromagnetic radiation is called ______________.

a.  nebula
b.  quasars
c.  pulsars 

6. Which of the following is a very large formation of stars, gas, and dust grouped together in the universe?

a.  galaxy 
b.  quasar
c.  cluster

7. Which gas giant planet is surrounded by a system of rings made of ice, dust, and rock?

a.  Jupiter
b.  Saturn
c.  Uranus

8. Which gas giant planet is considered the largest planet in our galaxy?

a.  Neptune
b.  Uranus
c.  Jupiter 

9. In 2006, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) renamed ___________ as a dwarf planet.

a.  Venus
b.  Pluto 
c.  Mercury

10. Which planet is the closest to the Sun?

a.  Mercury 
b.  Venus
c.  Mars

11. The highest volcano in our solar system, _______________, is found on Mars.

a.  Mons Olympic
b.  Mount Olympus
c.  Olympus Mons

12. Which of the following choices names the eight planets in order, beginning with the planet that is closest to the Sun?

a.  Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Earth, Neptune, Uranus, and Mars
b.  Mercury, Mars, Uranus, Saturn, Venus, Earth, Neptune, and Jupiter
c.  Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune 

13. The Sun is about _______ times the size of Earth.

a.  109 
b.  205
c.  326

14. Light from the Sun takes _________ to travel to Earth.

a.  6 minutes 45 seconds
b.  8 minutes 20 seconds 
c.  10 minutes 15 seconds

15. The study of the size, movements, and composition of the stars, planets, comets, and other deep-space objects in the universe is called _____________.

a.  ecology
b.  biology
c.  astronomy 

16. The theory that suggests that the universe will continue to expand indefinitely is known as the _________________.

a.  open universe 
b.  closed universe 
c.  neither of these

17. The theory that suggests that the universe will stop expanding and become smaller is known as the _________________.

a.  open universe 
b.  closed universe 
c.  neither of these

18. Which of the following is the largest known star in the universe?

a.  Rigel
b.  Betelgeuse
c.  UY Scuti 

19. Which of the following is the brightest star in the night sky?

a.  Sirius 
b.  Rigel
c.  Vega

20. A red star is hotter than a blue star.

a.  True
b.  False 

21. Red stars have a temperature that is cooler than the sun.

a.  True 
b.  False

23.Which of the following is the third planet from the Sun?

a.  Venus
b.  Mars
c.  Earth 

24.Which of the following is Earth’s natural satellite? 

a.  Sun
b.  Moon 
c.  Earth

25.The star at the center of our solar system is the __________.

a.  Sun 
b.  Moon
c.  Earth

26. Our planet Earth is located in which of the following galaxies? 

a. the Star Burst Galaxy
b. the Andromeda Galaxy
c. the Milky Way Galaxy
Select the correct answer for each question from the choices given. When you have completed your quiz, check your answers. 

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Science:  Our Solar System - Quiz