Refraction is the change in the direction of a light wave as it passes from one medium to the other.  For example: A person standing waist-deep in a swimming pool appears to have shorter legs.

On the electromagnetic spectrum, the shorter the wavelength, the higher the wave frequency.

Additional Facts: 
the amount of heat energy needed to raise one gram of water one degree centigrade​

​the way in which particles or waves travel through space


the transfer of heat by direct contact from one object to another

​matter that is in a fluid state

matter that has a definite shape and structure​


​matter that is in constant random motion and has no solid shape

 gas ​

​freezing point in Fahrenheit

​boiling point in Fahrenheit



​freezing point in Celsius

​boiling point in Celsius

​the shortest wavelength on the electromagnetic spectrum



​the measure of hot or cold


​the lowest theoretical temperature where all molecular motion ceases

the bending or spreading out of a wave as waves pass around the edge of an object​

absolute zero​

diffraction ​

​a chemical reaction that absorbs heat 

endothermic reaction ​

​the disorganization in a system that deals with the relationship between heat and energy

​a chemical reaction that releases heat

​exothermic reaction

the longest wavelength on the electromagnetic spectrum

​heat that is released by an element during a change in property without a change in temperature

the amount of energy required to move an electrical charge between two points

​latent heat

​potential difference
the theory that tries to explain the way the smallest units of light and matter perform as either a wave or 
a particle under certain

quantum theory​

the measure of a fluid's resistance to flow under applied pressure

the transfer of heat through the movement of fluid​


the process where a substance changes from a liquid to a vapor


Science:  Heat and Energy - Flashcards
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