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1. Energy that comes from the flow of electrons is called ________________.

a.  electricity 
b.  magnetic fields
c.  conductors

2. Materials that prevent or reduce electrical charges are called _________________.

a.  conductors
b.  insulators 
c.  electromagnet

3. Materials that allow electrical charges to flow through are called ______________.

a.  electricity
b.  insulators
c.  conductors 

4. The space around magnets where a magnetic force can be found is called ____________.

a.  poles
b.  insulators
c.  magnetic fields 

5. Insulated wire wrapped around a magnet containing an iron core, which produces a current that magnetizes the core is called ____________.

a.  electromagnet 
b.  an insulator
c.  a conductor

6. Two surfaces rubbed together or pulled apart that create a buildup of positive and negative charges is called ____________.

a.  electricity
b.  static electricity 
c.  magnetic reactors

7. Electricity can be created by which of the following?

a.  turbine and solar energy
b.  solar energy and wind power
c.  both a and b 

8. Rivers, lakes, and other water sources produce a form of electricity known as ___________.

a.  mineral power
b.  hydroelectric power 
c.  wind power

9. A flow of electricity through a conductor is called a(n)______________. 

a.  insulator
b.  electric current
c.  circuit

10. Which of the following is electric potential difference expressed in volts?

a.  convection
b.  radiation
c.  voltage 

11. The term ______ refers to the forces that work against the flow of electron currents in a conductor.  

a.  resistance 
b.  conductor
c.  insulator

12. An electric current that flows through a closed path is called a ___________. 

a.  magnetic field
b.  circuit 
c.  insulator

13. Which of the following is a device that changes mechanical energy to electrical energy?

a.  conductor
b.  circuit
c.  electric generator 

14. A flow of electric charge that frequently reverses its direction is called a(n) ___________.

a.  magnetic field
b.  transformer
c.  alternating current 

15. A device used to change electric energy from one circuit to another is called a(n)___________. 

a.  insulator
b.  electric generator
c.  transformer

16. Which of the following is a group of atoms that are aligned and are pointing in the same direction?

a.  magnetic domain 
b.  magnetic cluster
c.  magnetic alignment

17. The section at each end of a magnet where the magnetic field is the strongest is called a(n) __________. 

a.  magnetic pole 
b.  magnetic domain
c.  magnetic force

18. Which of the following is a closed circuit where the current can divide into two or more paths?

a.  circuit route
b.  parallel circuit 
c.  circuit field

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Science:  Electricity and Magnetism - Quiz