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1. A substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction but remains chemically unchanged is called a(n) ________________.

a.  catalyst 
b.  acid
c.  base

2. The rate of forward reaction that occurs at the same rate of reverse reaction is called ______________.

a.  quantum force
b.  ratio of equality
c.  chemical equilibrium

3. A covalent compound that produces hydrogen ions when dissolved in water and has a sour taste is called a(n) _______________.

a.  acid 
b.  base
c.  bond

4. Which of the following minimize the change of acid in a solution by neutralizing added acids or bases? 

a.  catalysts
b.  buffers 
c.  alkalies

5. A base is a chemical compound that has a bitter taste and a slippery feel. Which of the following is an example of a base?

a.  liquid dish detergent 
b.  lemon juice
c.  vinegar

6. Chemists use a _____________ to determine if a substance is an acid or a base.

a.  chemical test
b.  litmus test
c.  substance test

7. Which of the following reactions describes what happens when acid comes in contact with concrete or metal?

a.  melts
b.  corrodes 
c.  explodes

8. The pH level is the measure of acidity or alkalinity of a solution.

a.  True 
b.  False

9. A negative catalyst can slow down a chemical reaction.

a.  True 
b.  False

10. The term ___________ refers to chemical elements that exist in two or more different forms.

a.  isotope
b.  allotrope 
c.  isomer

11. The term __________ means to increase in rate of speed velocity. 

a.  acceleration 
b.  combination reaction
c.  biosynthesis

12. Which of the following is a chemical compound that separates into ions and is able to conduct electricity?

a.  diffraction
b.  entropy
c.  electrolyte 

13. Compounds with the same molecular formula but have different structures are called ________. 

a.  allotropes
b.  isomers 
c.  polymers
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Science:  Compounds and Chemical Reactions - Quiz