A litmus test is used to determine if a substance is an acid or a base.  If the test strip turns blue, then the substance is a base.  If the test strip turns red, then the substance is an acid. 

Acid makes concrete or metal corrode.

pH level is the measure of acidity or alkalinity of a solution.

A negative catalyst can slow down a chemical reaction.
Additional Facts: 

​the rate of forward reaction occurs at the same time of the rate of reverse reaction

a covalent compound that produces hydrogen ions when dissolved in water and has a sour taste​

chemical equilibrium​


it minimizes the change of acid in a solution by neutralizing added acids or bases​


​a watery solution that dissolves in water and has a slippery feel

used to determine if a substance is an acid or a base​


Litmus test​

a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction but remains chemically unchanged​


an increase in rate of speed velocity

​a chemical compound that separates into ions and is able to conduct electricity



compounds with the same molecular formula but have different structures


​chemical elements that exist in two or more different forms


Science:  Compounds and Chemical Reactions - Flashcards
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