Aqueous solutions have water as a solvent.

Metals melt at high temperatures (iron, cobalt, and nickel)

Nonmetals melt at low temperatures (hydrogen, nitrogen, and sulfur)

The liquid characteristics of water can be lost when water is exposed to extremely high temperatures.
Additional Facts: 
an alcohol solution ​

​a liquid that can dissolve another substance



a substance that is formed when two or more substances are mixed in different proportion ​


​a force that holds atoms together

a mixture that contains a solid, liquid, or gaseous substance and another substance of the same properties​


solution ​

​a substance containing two or more elements


​a mixture of mercury with other metals used as filling for tooth cavities

a ​mixture of two or more metals that can be adjusted to have desired characteristics



a synthetic material that is tough, yet flexible, and good for recycling​


​a tough durable material made from natural and synthetic compounds

​a synthetic polymer that is light, durable, weather-resistant and made up of many organic compounds



​a substance that is dissolved in another substance

Science:  Compound Elements - Flashcards

solute ​

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