Below are rules to show you how to use indefinite pronouns.
Indefinite pronouns always take a singular verb.
All, both, most, and some can be singular or plural.
Use a plural verb for things that can be counted.
Use a singular verb for things that cannot be counted.
None is usually plural when used as a plural group.
If this sounds confusing, then try replacing the indefinite pronoun with the subject pronoun he or she.
He has his own dog.
Each boy has his own dog.
Most of the cars are dented on the side. (cars can be counted)
Some dirt is spilling from the bag. (dirt cannot be counted)
None were allowed to enter.
None represents a group of individuals, so the plural verb were is used.
Below is an example of when none is used to represent not one single thing or no one person.
None of the students was sorry for the interruption.
Since None is referring to no one person in particular, the singular verb was is used.
Language Arts: Indefinite Pronouns